
The Penguin Archives

Category Archives: The Penguin Archives

You MIGHT be a “Penguin” if….

By | The Penguin Archives | No Comments

You might be a Penguin if… …you have to politely (for the third time) tell the men in the police car moving behind you that no you do not wish for a ride. …you wear your jog bra on top of your singlet. This is especially true if you are male. …during a race, you keep turning around to see if there is still anybody behind you. …the rest of the pack is out of sight before you have run 100 yards. …you meet both the hare and the tortoise running back towards you doing their cool-down after a race…

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A Reason to Run…

By | The Penguin Archives | No Comments

Forget stress. One of the best things about running is that it’s absolutely unnecessary. I don’t have to run. Very few of us do, really. It’s not like we’re chasing down our food. We don’t have to escape from predators. Heck, most of us don’t have to run to catch a bus. But we run. The question then becomes why? My own survey of thousands of runners has convinced me that the number one reason most people start to run is to lose weight. When the diameter of your waist is more than one-and-a-half times the length of your inseam…

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This Time for Sure….

By | The Penguin Archives | No Comments

It’s hard to believe that this is the 6th year of the 100 Days Challenge. For those of you who are new to the party here’s a brief history.  In January of 2010 I threw my back out. It was so bad that I ended up in two different emergency rooms trying to get some relief. Months went by and the pain, while lessened, never truly went away. I could walk, some, but couldn’t run at all. It was the first time in nearly 20 years of running that I had an injury that prevented me from running. Then, in…

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A Year of Living Actively…

By | The Penguin Archives | No Comments

2011 was quite a year. I’ve been a runner, or what I think of as a runner, for 20 years. I’ve run 45 marathons, I’ve done more half marathons and 5 and 10K’s than I can remember, I’ve done duathlons, triathlons, and even a couple of half Ironmans. But what I did in 2011 means more to me than all of that combined. In December of 2010, after the most frustrating athletic year of my life, I decided to move, intentionally, for 30 minutes a day for the first 100 days of 2011. I wasn’t concerned about what I did,…

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Failing to Fail

By | The Penguin Archives | No Comments

There is an old saying; Failing to plan is planning to fail. Well, the author of that quote didn’t know much about people like me. I did plan. And I did plan to fail. Whether it was a fitness program, or weight loss, or quitting smoking, I had to fail. No matter how much planning or hoping or dreaming went on in advance, the end was always the same: failure. If I had succeeded, at any point, my life would have changed. I would have changed. The “ME” that I had spent years cultivating would be a different me. The…

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The Write Stuff

By | The Penguin Archives | No Comments

Although keeping a training log is useful for many runners, sometimes the devil is in the details.   I was asked recently if I thought of myself as a runner who writes or a writer who runs. The question worried me. Anyone who has seen me run probably thinks I look like a writer. On the other hand, there may be those who think that I write like I run. The truth is, I don’t think of myself in either of those contexts, at least not in an exclusive way. I started writing about running the way most runners do:…

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Make it Happen

By | The Penguin Archives | 19 Comments

No one, especially me, wants to think about anything except the Holidays right now. I’m away visiting with family, I’ll take a few days to enjoy old hobbies and explore some new ones, and I absolutely want to enjoy every minute of the season. So, this is NOT a call to action. This is a call to celebration. I do want to take a minute to explain the 100 Days Challenge, to tell you what we’ve done, to tell you want we’re gonna do, and to tell what’s a little different for 2020. The 100 Days Challenge is pretty simple,…

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Up and Over

By | The Penguin Archives | No Comments

Every new runner encounters a few bumps now and then-the key is to push on.  I got my first e-mail address in the mid 1980s when I was an administrator at the University of Illinois. At that time, sending e-mail was a novel concept. Since I knew only two other people who had e-mail, we quickly ran out of things to write to one another. At some point, though, e-mail went from novelty to necessity. It hit a tipping point, a concept that Malcolm Gladwell famously coined in one of my favorite books, The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can…

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Prized Possessions

By | The Penguin Archives | No Comments

They were all over my parent’s house, those monuments to my childhood: the plaster cast of my hand, a Valentine’s card I made myself. Now, my home is filled with the same monuments to my son’s childhood: the wreath made of rotini pasta that gets hung on the door every Christmas, the rock with felt feet, head and tail that, if you have enough imagination, looks very much like a turtle. They are prized possessions. My home is also filled with the monuments of my return to childhood, of my return to a time of play and joy: my finisher’s…

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When to Say When

By | The Penguin Archives | No Comments

Okay, it was the right thing to do. So why does it hurt so much?   It isn’t always easy being a runner. It isn’t always easy being the Penguin. Sometimes it’s almost impossible to be both and to be true to either. One of the canons of the Penguin philosophy is that running – all running – is joyful in its own right. It’s the act of running, being in the moment of the motion, that brings satisfaction. And it’s the process that matters most, not the outcome. But some runners wrongly think that this focus on participation rather…

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